Sunday, September 11, 2011

beginnings and all that

welcome to day one!!!

i am super excited to be blogging again!

three things i'm currently obsessed with (or, three things for short):

1- nails!!

after having a particularly awesome pedi on our last trip to Spa Toscana at the peppermill in reno I quite suddenly fell back in love with an old flame - nail polish!!!  for years i've been unable to wear it because of work.  now that i have just about the girliest job i can imagine i'm back in heels and polish and no ponytails and feeling pretty fab about it.

today's mani: fingerpaints bronze sculpture with art club gold foil flakes

hoping you'll bear with me as i figure out how to best photograph my hands!

i love this color - deep bronze with gold flashing.  i've not used fingerpaints before and have to admit i was a bit put off by the texture.  it's incredibly goopy. while it was dry to the touch in a reasonable amount of time it went on so thick that i put a pretty good ding in it prior to applying the metallic flakes.  these were fun to work with and well worth the somewhat steep $8 price tag.  i heart the colors that came in the little jar - gold, copper and a yellowy-green.  the foil bits covered up all the dings and i'm left with something that reminds me of autumn leaves tumbling down the street.  *bing*  <------- that's the sound that comes out of my mouth when i make a little heart with my hands to indicate that i love something.  :)  you'll be hearing that sound a LOT.

the two other things i'm obsessed with right now:

2- knitting.  i'm about 16 hours into my first-ever blanket.  i picked up this book on that same trip to reno:
which is called knitting at home by Leanne Prouse.  i'm doing the project on page 88 using serenity chunky weight in almond (which i got for $2.50/100 grams!!!) on clover bamboo size 10 needles with a 36in cable.  my heart longs for inexpensive natural fiber yarns.  it's good to have a dream.

3- our next trip.  this will be our second time camping in our fab new kingdom 6 tent from rei. we're going back to calaveras big trees state park but staying at oak hollow this time (we think...).

this tent is amazing.  absolutely amazing.

so that's it for today.  please pardon me while i work out the kinks of this blog.  i don't know what kind of readership my oddly diverse interests will attract but hopefully if you leave some comments here i can tailor what i'm posting to what you all would like to read.  :)

love you!

1 comment:

  1. Epic! I love your nails. I can help with the photography if you want! $5 per nail. (kidding...) And I love that book.
