Thursday, January 29, 2015

Playing the waiting game

We're one week out from Day 1.

V went to the hospital today.

The doctor who ordered the labs that came back last week (the Bad News) told V she should make an appointment with her regular doctor. She did but they scheduled it two weeks out. After spending a few hours together yesterday we insisted that she go see her doctor today.

She was in with that doctor for about five minutes before she was told to get herself to the hospital asap.

She checked in to the er half an hour later. Then waited. And waited. And waited.

Why a nephrologist couldn't find their way downstairs for a consultation is beyond me.

They finally got her set up in a bed around midnight, right his after her arrival. I hate that about hospitals. Always have.

She's sleeping now, thank goodness.  She'll be admitted at some point. There's some speculation that she won't need dialysis right away, which is probably a good sign. I'm skeptical but we'll see.

In the meantime I'm wide awake at 2am. Can't eat, can't sleep, can't do much of anything but wait and worry.

On a side note we planted the cherry tree and the roses V helped us pick out. Is it morbid for me to say I hope she is able to come visit to see the rose she picked in bloom and eat some of the cherries? The cherry tree probably won't fruit for a few years but the rose should bloom this summer. It is morbid. But, you know, I'm thinking it anyway.

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