Sunday, January 25, 2015


Just about forever ago I started this blog.

I'd written a blog a while before and it had done pretty well. My husband and daughter encouraged me to start a new one and this was it. Problem: nothing compelling to write about. The damn thing didn't even hold my interest so how could it hold anyone else's?

Now I'm back and I've got something compelling to write about.

There are lots of, I'm Sick, My Spouse is Sick, My Parent is Sick and My Kid is Sick blogs. Cancer is a popular topic. So is Alzheimer's. Rare genetic diseases, yep.

I went online looking for a blog I needed to read: My Young Adult Child is Sick and Isn't Going to Get Better. I couldn't find one. Not one. I'm sure there's something out there but I looked pretty hard and couldn't find it. So that's what I'm going to write about for a while.

The purpose here is to:

1) Give me a vehicle to vent. As an INTJ I am disinclined to discuss my feelings. That does not mean I don't have them. They are pretty yucky right now and I'd like to get them out.

2) Broadcast a wide net in which to catch a new kidney for my daughter. And money to pay for the $100k plus PER YEAR that dialysis and anti-rejection medications cost, only some of which is covered by insurance.

3) Raise awareness around ESRD and CKD. These are diseases that primarily affect those with diabetes, old age, bad accidents, etc. Maybe that's why the research to find therapies beyond dialysis and transplant don't get a lot of funding/attention. Those fat, old, unlucky people are gonna die anyway so why bother? Yes, that is how I think most people feel about the thing that is killing my daughter.

4) Leave a cairn or "duck" behind to help out anyone on this trail behind me. It is immensely comforting to see a sign that someone has walked the road you're currently on.

Reasons 2-4 are why this is a blog and not just a diary.

That's all I have to say for now. That and blah, my head sure hurts.

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